Friday, January 23, 2009

When the cousins come:

It gets a little hectic. But this time when Madison and McKay came to TN, it wasnt actually bad at all. Me and Madi got along really well and that was something that made it a little bit more bareable.
Me and Madi were allowed to walk around the outdoor mall alone:)
It was fun.
But we called our moms when we were in B.A.M [books a million] and told them we would meet them there. Lets say that was at 6:00.
Well we got a little side tracked and left B.A.M and wondered around. We made it all the way to Belk, across the entire mall.
Well ofcourse our moms call us and tell us to meet them at B.A.M in 5 minutes.
We both started running down the sidewalk.
Going out of Belk we went out of the WRONG exit and had to turn around and RUN all the way to the other exit.
Once we were outside we fast walked half of a mile maybe and then ran the rest.
Yes- we did make it by our dead line:)
Madi had some cowboy boots on so her feet were KILLING her, and mine were too.
But we had fun.
And thats all that matters:)
But when I called a friend of mine that happened to be a boy- McKay and Brooklyn found that incredibley amusing.
His last name is Franklin so while I was ON the phone, they screamed: BRIANNA FRANKLIN.
I could have killed them:)
Well I am going to try to post more..
Just had a lot of stuff going on lately.

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