Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am going to try to start writing everyday.... I am hoping I can find the time to do it....
Tuesday Feburary 10th [I think] 2009:]
Today I woke up at 7 in the morning, exhausted. I really didnt feel like waking up, but I had to. We were out of school for 2 weeks because of the ice storm here in KY and getting back in the swing of waking up is not very enjoybale. I dyed my hair DARK brown yesterday evening and when I walked in the gym this morning everyone immideitly noticed. Everyone loved it, and I was happy to know that, because it came out very darker than what I would have ever expected.
1st period was a drag, my practical living just went on and on about our test coming up, and believe me I wanted to scream.
2nd period was bad, boring, and slow. My teacher [language] kills me, she defenintly grades unfairly.... But she does let us talk for the first 5-10 minutes of class while she looks mad at the world at her desk. She has to hate her job:]
3rd period is always a drag. We had to work with partners today... and I at first got paired with Kenley, the only other mormon I know, until Joseph didnt have a partner so he had to join us... Not the best thing but I love that kid :]
4th...... blehh very boring.. I mean its nutrition for goodness sakes. I enjoy that class only because of the people in it [Austin, Hailey, Kelsey, ect.] Its kinda the "funny" class.
5th was just blec! I cannot stand my science teacher half the time, and I guess today was "pick on Brianna" day for her because she chose me to answer every other question she came up with and ofcourse they were questions I had no clue what to say back to.
6th was the BEST! My math teacher is the cheerleading coach, and there was a pep rally today, so we had to be in the gym realllllllly early- before any other classes. Allll we had to do was check our homework and walk to the gym:] I had alot of fun with Morgan:] But my friend Nathan looked extremely sad:[
Wellllllll that was Tuesday.
Lets see what Wednesday will bring.
-Overall good/bad/suckish/okay day:]

1 comment:

Shellie Salza said...

HEY! I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks for your sweet prayers! Can't wait to bring Leonidas for a visit. Love you girl!