Tuesday, April 28, 2009


(not sure I spelt that right...)
Remember when I wrote about shooting for straight A's? Wellll, I did not get ALL A's, but I got allll A's.. and two B's! Haha, it was very exciting for me, I felt success!
I better go clean my room!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A thought;

Saturday myself, my dad, and my little sister went to watch my new stepmom's revival. I was not very thrilled, for it was a Methodist church and I have never been to one. We arrived and they began by telling us to open our Bibles. My dad flipped a few pages and a ripped and tattered page fell out. I wasnt very interested in it until I picked it up. I was very shocked and heart broken as I read the piece of paper. It had said : "Satin, our one true savior, welcomes you with open arms, unlike the empty eyes of St. Peter, 666."
Is this what our world is coming to ? Go to church to write in the Bible about the DEVIL? What would posses someone to want to write that in anything, let alone a Bible? It is probably harder for me to understand because of the fact I do not understand any of the beliefs of "Atheist" and I do not support them at all, but still, any Christian should be completely shocked by this.